Αμύνταιο: 2ο Συνέδριο Οινοτουρισμού με θέμα: “Συνέργειες οινοτουρισμού με άλλες θεματικές ενότητες” το 12 – 14 Νοεμβρίου

9 Νοεμβρίου 2021

Στο Αμύνταιο Φλώρινας θα πραγματοποιηθεί το 2ο Συνέδριο Οινοτουρισμού, παρουσία του Υφυπουργού Περιβάλλοντος Γιώργου Αμυρά, με τίτλο “Συνέργειες οινοτουρισμού με άλλες θεματικές ενότητες” 12 – 14 Νοεμβρίου.



12 November 2021


17:00 Welcome drink at Voyatzi Estate(http://www.ktimavoyatzi.gr/), Velventos

17:30 Welcome Remarks

20:00 Visit to a local “kazani” (distillery) at Anatolicon, Eordaia –live performance by local orchestra

Saturday, 13 November 2021 09:30 -14:00

14:00 -19:30

  • Visit to the Vineyard and the Winery
  • Tasting of Western Macedonia Wines

16:30 -19:30 Wine Tourism Conference (Dimopoulos Estate)

16:30 – 17:00 Registration

17:00 Start of Conference

  • Welcome Remarks
  • Sofia Zacharaki, Deputy Minister of Tourism of Greece
  • Vassilis Abbas, Vice Regional Governor of W. Macedonia
  • Maria Antoniou, Head of the Prime Minister’s Office in Thessaloniki
  • “Wine tourism through the ‘Leader’ approach” – Spilios Livanos, Minister of Rural Development and Food of Greece
  • Western Macedonia: Transportation and thematic tourism” –Michalis Papadopoulos, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport of Greece
  • Synergies with other forms of thematic tourism – the case of W. Macedonia ” –Angela Gerekou, President of Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO)
  • Ecotourism: Possibilities and development potential in Protected Regions” Dr. Maria Papadopoulou, President of the Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency (NECCA)
  • “The Wine Tourism strategy of the Ministry of Tourism” -Dr. Panagiota Dionysopoulou, General Director of Tourism Policy, Ministry of Tourism

Roundtable discussions with Yannis Papadimitriou, journalist of Kathimerini newspaper


  • Vineyards and Wine in the service of tourism”


Stelios Boutaris -Winemaker, Dr Salpiggidis- Oenologist,

K. Tolidis-Wincome Technical Advisor, Y. Voyantzis – President of the National Inter-Professional Organization of Vine and Wine of Greece, A.Iatridis – President of “Amyntaion Oinos”,

V. Machairas-RIS3 Program, K.Roufas-Agronomist M.Sc.


  • Main and complimentary actions of the winetourism product of W. Macedonia”


Ch. Kalogirou- Secretary General of Rural Development and Food, A.Tsavdaridou-Phd Candidate of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P. Mavridis-Animal Husbandry,

E. Vrantsi-Agronomist, K.Karamarkou -Strategy Advisor, K.Tottis -owner of Vigla chalet, G.Tselidis-Chef, A.Tsokas -Archaeologist, Dr.L. Dimitriou- Emeritus Professor, University of Cyprus


  • Technical discussion with winetourism stakeholders

(Winemakers, Viticulturists, Tourism Agencies, Hotels, Restaurants, Milk and Meat Manufacturers)

Coordinator: Dr. Panagiota Dionysopoulou

21:00 Official Diner at local restaurants “Thomas” and “Kontosoros”

Sunday, 14 November, 2021

9:30 Visit to Nymphaion

(Nikios School- Ag. Nikolaos – Arktouros)

12:30 Visit to Siatista

  • Visit to the Poulkos Mansion and a local cellar
  • Farewell meal at the “Gravadika” local restaurant


Participants by physical presence must possess:


[a] certification of vaccination (completed at least 14 days prior to the event they are attending)


[b] certification of COVID-19 recovery (issued 30 days after the first positive test and valid for 180 days after it)

Negative COVID tests (PCR or Rapid) will NOT be sufficient.

Please use the #winetourismwestmacedonia #ministryoftourismgreece #allyouwantisgreece hashtags in social media posts for the program events.


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